Sunday, November 25, 2018

General Update- Details Part 3

So three weeks ago, I gave a general update. First on the update was that I realized that my boyfriend was abusive. Second was that I moved. Third will be covered at a later date, but this week, I'll cover the last section of that update. As a refresher from that post:
"I've been applying to all kinds of places since I got here in August. I found a (VERY) part-time job that helped cover some things. But honestly, it wasn't enough. I'm grateful for friends who have helped out. I've kept a ledger of what I owe you. Thank you for both your generosity and your patience in my paying you back. With a decent cash-flow, I can pay back those who have helped me these last couple months. Then save up for a decent car (Christmas maybe?). Next, pay off my freaking student loan! That's gonna be a while, though."

Since writing that post, I've found full-time work. It's through a temp agency, but as a general rule, the company I'm assigned to uses this method for their regular full-time hiring process.

Anyway, I'm an order-picker. Our clients call or enter their order online or whatever. And that order is processed, printed into a packet we call a dispatch. The dispatch includes part numbers, lot numbers, quantities, and bin locations. ... Yes, loads of numbers! And I have to match them exactly, no transposition, no alterations... unless that lot isn't available.

But there's a procedure if we are out of a lot. Check the assigned bin location, check the flex area (there's a half a dozen bin locations that are regularly unassigned), check the computer. If that lot is out of stock, then we can amend the dispatch.

Anyway, I get the dispatch and pick it- walk through the warehouse and collect all the parts in the correct lots, required quantities... and bring the whole thing to the labeling room to be labeled for the client, then the whole order gets taken to packaging to be prepared for shipping.

By the way, I was curious, so I downloaded and installed a pedometer on my phone. I get an average of 10k steps every day! TEN THOUSAND!

Best part: I'm getting a regular paycheck. It's every week, so it's both smaller and more often than I'm used to. When I get hired on permanent, the transition to every two weeks may be a little rough, but I figure if I plan ahead, make sure bills are paid ahead a little, put a little in savings for gas and groceries, I'll be ok.