For a while now, I've been observing (and collecting) what I've come to call "guilt-trip" pictures. Mostly on Facebook, they imply that if you do not repost, .. well, let's just take a look.
Because if you don't share, you don't accept Him?
Doesn't He already know what's in my heart?? |
1- Reliable b/c it's on FB, vs the news
2- If it were my child, I would still want people to be smart about it. |
| | | |
Nope, I have a heart, I just don't feel your manipulative attitude is healthy. |
Ok, so I disliked this one a little less as my mom re-shared it. |
Well, what if I actually do something for my neighbor vs reposting..
Does that mean I don't care? |
Who remembers the chain letters of 20 years ago?
Who remembers the chain emails of 10 years ago? |
.. And if you don't, you clearly think it's ok to bully! |
Yes, God saw me read this. He also happens to be able to see what's in my heart.
I don't need to repost to prove that He is a part of my life and has a place there. |
I'm not afraid to show my support for the Second Amendment.
I just choose to show it differently... like by getting my CC permit! |
Nope. I'd rather put pix of Lolcats...
In the meantime, who cares what there's room for on my FB wall?
What about my heart??? |
Again, the Lord looks on the heart.
I think He's more interested in what's there than on my FB wall. |
How heartless to not Like!
Or can you pray without "Liking" ... ? |
Nope, I'm totally "size-ist". |
Nope, definitely a 97%er who would cheer on the bullies..?? |
Again, I'm so darn heartless, just because I have better things to do than
spam my friends with guilt-trippy pictures like this. |
No respect, either. |
And what the heck are parents for?? |
I love my mom, and I don't feel the need to post this to prove it. |
And guilt tripping like this isn't bullying? |
Ok, enough sarcasm for the day. Yes, I love and am grateful for those who have what it takes to defend our country and those who know me know it. Yes, I love my mother and she knows it. Yes, I obey and honor my God and He knows it. Yes, I'm against bullying and I'll kick a bully in the teeth if need be. Yes, I'm for loving and protecting pets and my animals were all rescues. Yes, I feel people deserve love, no matter what they look like (color, sexual orientation, size, etc) and those who are in my life know it.
But I refuse to allow others to guilt me into posting something on my FB wall just to prove it to the rest of the world.