"Do you mind if I steal one of the girls to go with me to the store?"
"Which one has been the best, most obedient, most helpful?"
Daddy interrupted, "None of them."
I thought a moment and then headed in to the play room. "Did either of you do your homework?"
In stereo from the older two: "No..."
"Hm, well, I need to go to the store, and I was gonna take whoever did their homework."
Ensued the hilarity- the older two came tearing past me to get their homework done. Number 2 paused, to beg, "Wait for me?"
Good thing 1st and 2nd graders don't have much homework, eh?
Mom watched the hustle and bustle, wondering. I sat down by her, and explain what I'd just told her little ones.
I know kindergarteners don't generally have much homework, but I felt Number 3 needed to have the chance to earn the privilege, too: "Do you have any homework?.. anything you can do for school?"
Number 3: "Read a book?"
"Good deal- find a book and you can read it to me."
So while Number 1 and Number 2 worked fratically to complete worksheets, Number 3 read a book with me, Number 4 looked for shoes, and Mom and Dad.. and I just laughed
Once the three older ones had done their homework and everyone had shoes and a jacket on, we piled into the van, and went to the store.. to get all of three items I needed for a project the next day.
Moral of the story:
Bribery works!