Are you SURE you wanna keep reading?
Really, Mom.. I think you should skip this post.. please!
Alright, if you insist- here's a video for your -entertainment- horror.
(youtube video)
It doesn't take much from that site to make me feel downright gorgeous!!!.. and give me a complex about my truly fabulous taste in fashion! Am I the only one who cares what they look like when seen in public?
- I don't wear billboard tee shirts. Yeah, I own a few, but I wear them when I'm doing yard work. But before I go to the store, a shower, and change of clothes is in order.
- I don't own anything that shows whaletail.... or gratuitous/saggy Cleveland.
- The only time anyone sees my "other" cheeks is at the pool.
- I don't have any tattoos.
- I have two piercings.. one in each earlobe.
- I don't think my hair is capable of achieving "big hair."
- My pants all fit properly, and don't create muffin tops.
- If a shirt gets a hole in it- retired!
What do your clothes say about yourself?
Seriously, folks. Give a care!