Sunday, August 9, 2020

The customer is NOT always right

The customer is always right, right?


I don't know who originally said this, but I'd like to slap them... or make them work retail for 6 months.

This idea has become such an ingrained part of our (American) culture that I 100% believe it is the greatest single cause of employee abuse. Sure, there are awful managers, but when society at large thinks the customer is always right, then that clearly means that when the customer doesn't get what he/she wants, it's the employee's fault.

It isn't because of laws or company policies.
It couldn't possibly be the actual availability of the product or capacity of the company's system to do what the customer wants.

It most definitely is the (incompetent, lazy, rude) employee's fault for not being able to wiggle their nose, push the Easy Button...

Doesn't every company have an Easy Button??

Or wave their hands to make the customer's every wish come true. Really, karen??

The "I need to speak to your manager" haircut.

Being the person I am, I had to investigate and I found THIS article. Please give it a read, because really, the author says everything I want to say here. Really- just go read it.