Sunday, February 2, 2020

Late for Dinner

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I'll take being called pretty much anything except stupid and "late for dinner."

When my second husband said, "It sounds like someone has talked you back into (insert my original stand on the issue)," I realized I wanted to be done with that marriage. I was done trying to make it work.

When the guy at the Milwaukee Penske shop feigned ignorance regarding the customer #/customer name and PO# for maintenance on our car, I knew I could never name a child Lawrence.

When a customer tells me what is and isn't possible, demanding things that are against company policy (or even the law), my givadamn breaks.

I'll take all the ugly things people call those they hate... but I know I'm not stupid. And I sure don't want to be late for dinner!