Sunday, July 30, 2017

Fools, Fools, all of Them!

Because of my exhusband's health issues, I belong to a group on Facebook for women who are (or have been in the past) with a sex addict. A recent post from another WOPA (wife of porn addict) prompted this reply from me. She realized that she's been spending her whole life trying to prove her worth to other people her entire life... I replied:
In practically every other animal species, from gnats to blue whales, it's the males that have to prove they deserve to get any "action." Brighter feathers, tougher claws, prettier nests or burrows, more beautiful songs, fancier dances, fiercer fighting, etc.

But for some reason, we humans have it flipped. It didn't used to be that way. Once upon a time, boys courted girls. Girls played hard-to-get and were praised by their elders for such behavior.

But now, Satan's plan to destroy the family has flipped that on its head:

First, make the daughters of God question their value.

1a) Make them think that the only way to be "equal" is to join men on "their" turf- push women to leave the home and get a job, have a career. Put them in the workplace so they are competing with men in the men's world.. and they're not at home where they are needed most.

1b) Since society no longer values women in the home, and they can't effectively compete in the workplace, make women compete against each other. And move the mark so high nobody can really reach it: Make it about sex. Manipulate them to feel like they need to pander and chase the boys. Make them feel like they aren't good enough- aren't pretty enough, thin enough, sexy enough.

Pardon the language, but screw that. Women, you are enough. Stop playing Satan's game. Just because your husband doesn't value you doesn't make you worthless.. it makes him a damn fool.

It makes all these men fools: they somehow think that a paper or screen-image.. a 2-dimensional, airbrushed/photoshopped lie of an image is somehow superior to a 3-dimensional warm responsive real live human being who loves them and has promised her heart and soul to him.

And they're fools.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

I Work in Hell

Yes you heard me right. I believe I work in Hell, actual Hell on Earth.

Those of you who are not familiar with the LDS understanding of Hell- it's a little different. See, to us, hell is looked at two ways:
First ~ A spiritual death, a separation from God, possibly only temporary.
Second ~ A a permanent residence out of His presence.

After the Final Judgment, there will be a few select people who have earned a spot in a place we call Outer Darkness. Yes, we believe it takes pretty deliberate intent to get relegated to Outer Darkness! From revelation, we understand this to be a place completely removed from God and all He has to offer us- love, light, knowledge, power, etc. And I don't think that's just figurative light.. maybe it's literal light.

If we look at that the name of this place/condition in a literal and physical sense, it's darkness. Dark. No light. No electromagnetic radiation of any kind, visible or otherwise. None of this:

No radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation (aka heat), visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, etc. No visible light, no heat! Those there are essentially blind and frozen! The horror!

Yeah, I'm not digging it either!

So now to explain how "I Work in Hell."

See, I work at a place that processes and packages meat for commercial use. Handling meat safely requires certain conditions to maintain the quality and safety of our product. The meat comes to our plant frozen. We thaw it, cook it using a variety of different methods (fry, bag-steam, etc), then chill it back to something safe to transport. These temperature changes are done as quickly as possible to keep the meat out of the danger zone (40-140*) as much as possible. Because humans handle below-40* better than above-140*, I spend most of my time at work in the below-40* range: I work in a fridge, always cold... or moving so I stay warm.

I also work second shift: I go to work in the afternoon, and get done in the middle of the night.

Some of the meat smells oh-so tasty! Seriously, fried chicken.. but you're at work, so you aren't going to be eating any of it. Who remembers the story of Tantalus? Always out of reach.

The fryer sometimes produces huge lumps of steaming charred stuff that is unusable, so it is tossed. Barrels (like the one on the right, but in red) filled with steaming sizzling cinders! Fire and brimstone, anyone?

I work Second shift: I go to work in the afternoon, and get done in the middle of the night.

So there you have it: the cold and darkness of Outer Darkness, the torture of Tantalus, the fire and brimstone of traditional Hell. Yup, that about covers it.