Sunday, July 12, 2020

Love Letter

Originally written a couple months ago:

Dear Sweetheart~

I miss you! I miss you holding my hand or touching my back in a crowd. I miss that look you give me across the table at breakfast... or is it over dinner? My ears are tuned to your voice- I can pick your laugh out of a crowd any day of the week!

I know that right now, you may be far away or possibly unbelievably close. You may be tall or short or thin or beefy or pudgy. Your hair may be blond or dark.. or you might be bald. Maybe you work in an office. Or in a store. Maybe you are an every day hero (doctor, EMT, law enforcement, firefighter...). You might have been a father before we met. Or maybe it's just you and me and the dog(s).

Those things don't matter- See, the important thing is how your face softens when you think about me. The way you are tuned to me like I'm tuned to you. My day isn't complete without at least a "Hey there" from you. And yours isn't complete without... whatever it is that reminds you that I love you.

I don't know where.. or even who you are, but I miss you.

Updated recently to add:

Dear Sweetheart~

Oh, I love you so very much! I still miss you when you're gone, even if it's in the other room. I want to see you, be near you always.

I love how your face lights up when you look at me. Whether it's while [redacted], or when you've told the punch line to a funny story. My ears are indeed tuned to your voice, and I love to hear it, no matter what we're talking about.

I couldn't have even guessed how close you really were. I had your information the whole time and didn't even know. Yes, you're tall, a little pudgy, but beefy underneath. Balding is beautiful on you. You love learning and are studying to enrich your life and others'. Your children love you, and I can see they trust you in everything.

You are indeed my hero, in so many ways!  I am overwhelmed with your willingness to come help me fix a tire, protect me, and even hold me when I'm overwhelmed.

I'm indeed grateful and feel lucky/blessed to have you in my life!